Murder of Crows Tarot Cards by Corrado ROI
Omen bringer, messenger, guardian and scavenger: the crow has no master.
Black cards, with just a hint of red blood colour, this gothic deck brings fear and disquiet into Tarot as never seen before.
Murder of Crows Tarot Cards is a deck to read with your own soul.
You awaken on a strange shore. Before you lies a land of mist and intrigue. In places, it is a treacherous and desolate wasteland. Let your gaze penetrate the mist and you will find a dreamscape filled with wonders.
On this journey your constant companions are a murder of crows. Black winged and cunning, these are the extraordinary messengers of the Other World.
They answer to unseen powers. Their croaks and caws convey great wisdom. Their farseeing eyes pierce the bast distances of time and the far reaches of space.
Nothing is hidden from them for long. If you follow where they lead, your adventure will transform you inside and out.
78 full colour tarot cards and instructions