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Online Tarot Reading




Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook

$31.99 inc. GST

Have you ever wished you could cast a spell to help you through a difficult time or achieve a goal? The Spellcasting Oracle Cards and guidebook are for anyone who wishes to explore the realms of natural magic and enhance their own abilities.

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  • Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook by Peters and Meiklejohn-Free
  • Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook by Peters and Meiklejohn-Free
  • Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook by Peters and Meiklejohn-Free
  • Dreams Card
  • Courage Card
  • Clarity Card
  • Career Card
  • Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook by Peters and Meiklejohn-Free
  • Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook by Peters and Meiklejohn-Free
  • Spellcasting Oracle Cards by Peters and Meiklejohn-Free

Spellcasting Oracle Cards and Guidebook by Flavia Kate Peters, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

Have you ever wished you could cast a spell to help you through a difficult time or achieve a goal?

The Spellcasting Oracle Cards and guidebook are for anyone who wishes to explore the realms of natural magic and enhance their own abilities.

It weaves the magic and workings of the Old Ways with the very current issues of our modern society.


  • bringing anything about
  • including protection
  • true love
  • abundance
  • or a new career

Each card offers wisdom, advice, and an easy-to-follow spell that readers can safely perform to invoke the desired outcome

Each spell includes magical ingredients, such as a specific herb or crystal, and instructions on how to perform the spell. The spell itself will be in the form of rhyme, adding an extra element of ceremony.

Guidebook explains optimal moon phases and magical timings to enhance spell work and ensure maximum energy potency.

The Spellcasting Oracle Cards combine ancient wisdom and mystical forces to empower practitioners to manifest their desires safely and easily.

Weight 370 g
Dimensions 13.5 × 10 × 4 cm
Author Name


Witches, Wizards and Witchcraft


Hay House